Friday, September 12, 2008
Useless Blogs & Bloggers.

Everyone seems to be blogging these days. Me, my neighbor, his dog, etc. But most of these blogs lack quality. My advice to all the new and old bloggers is that, please evaluate yourself. No one is interested if you are fat/thin, psychotic, loserish, or plain gay. Or if you want a boyfriend/ girlfriend.
No one wants to read about your experiences in school, college, workplace, or at the mental hospital. Your thoughts are plain stupid, keep them to yourself.
You went to Hawaii for a vacation. So what. We don't want to know about your Homosexual conquests there. Your friends cannot possibly be as bad as you are. But that does not mean we will tolerate looking at their fugly pictures or reading para's of trash description about them.
Please don't waste cyberspace. Delete your junk. (hint = Some people from my class have started blogging. This definitely applies to them.)

These fuckin blogs seem to pop up like mushrooms in wet weather.
Well my advice to you is to treat them like mushrooms.
I am an exception of course.