Wednesday, July 08, 2009
The Pain Of being Ignored...

I am being ignored by almost everyone since school reopened. I don't know why. I know I've been rash with a lot of people including my friends. So, the thing that i feared the most has finally happened. Although i might try to convince myself that i can survive without anyone talking to me, deep down i know it is completely false. I need my friends. I need people to laugh at my jokes, (or at me in most of the cases.) I need to borrow notes, be informed of lectures and practicals, and to give me company in trains.
I've made fun of a lot of people through this blog. Let me tell you a secret. I envy each one of that person. The people that have been made fun of in this blog are the people who are going to be leaders of tomorrow. They have a lot of talent and potential. I see that in them. Since i possess none of their qualities, i TRY to laugh at them. But the joke is on me, really.
I am an ugly, lonely caricature of a human being. I need you guys to stop ignoring me. I'm sorry if i have hurt you, and i wish to make amends to it through this post. God has been kind to me by bringing you people into my life.
So please look after me.
I hope ur not ignoring this blog too...